Sunday, June 10, 2012

Mason Jar Straw Lids

After I made a dish soap pump from a mason jar, I got to thinking about other things I could use them for.  They are so ubiquitous and inexpensive, especially at the thrift store on half off day.  While I was using one to drink from, I thought, "I need to put a hole in the lid so I can stick a straw in it."  Then the problem of the sharp edges around the hole quickly made itself apparent.  Enter the RUBBER GROMMET, found in the "hard to find" drawer of small parts at the hardware store.  For an extra $0.30 I had my solution.

You will need:

Mason jar, lid, rim
Drill bit 3/8"
drill with clamps/ vice or drill press with clamps
wire cutters
rubber grommet- diameter of  9/16" (pictured below)

Set your lid on your drill press and clamp it down so that the bit hits the center of the lid.  If you are not lucky enough to have a drill press lying around, (I don't think any of my friends do) you will need either gently clamp the lid in a vice, you don't want to crush it, or clamp it to the edge of a table so that it is secure but the area of the lid you want to drill is hanging off the edge of the table.  Now drill your hole.

Once you are done, the back edge of the hole will probably have some sharp edges hanging off.  Take the wire cutters and trim as much of it off as you can.

Now work your rubber grommet into the hole.  I usually come at it from the side.  Once it's done, give it a good washing, fill your mason jar with your beverage of choice, screw on your lid and rim, insert straw and enjoy.

I love these.  The lids are interchangeable between sizes, so I can put one on an 8 ounce jar for my kid or, on a hot summer day (like today), a big quart size one for me. Not only do they make your jar a spill resistant cup, but they keep the bugs out of your lemonade. They would be fun for parties.  You could paint the jars for favors or just to make them more festive. I have also run these lids with the grommets through the dishwasher without any ill effects so far.

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